Photos of the Week

Between the Long Shadows

January 29, 2018

By Stacey Goldberg

Photo © Benedetto Lee

At first glance, photographer Benedetto Lee says, most people might think this location is “nothing special.” But not him. When he first came across it near a river embankment in Sisak, Croatia, he thought it had potential. “I just had to wait for the right time of year and time of day to get these shadows.”

That time came one November day as this couple was taking their wedding portraits. The newlyweds were not quite sure what to expect and they walked hesitantly on the muddy ground and followed their photographer’s instructions. “Fortunately, they trusted me even though they had no idea what my vision was,” Lee recalls. “I told them to go into the light between the shadows because, like in almost every relationship, there are obstacles and dark places that we must avoid. As long as we hold our hands tight and follow the light, nothing can separate us.”

(Captured using a Canon 6D and a 35mm Sigma art lens.)

Photo © Benedetto Lee

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